Sunday, November 14, 2010

Favorite Reading Spot

Where do you do most of your reading?
Your favorite spot?

(And yes, I understand that these might not be the same thing–your favorite spot could be the beach, but you do most of your reading at home . . . in which case, tell me about both!)

It's kind of ridiculous, but I do almost all of my reading while I'm blow drying my hair in the morning. My hair is completely uncooperative. I've got a full-on mane of fine, frizzy hair. Consequently, I have to blow dry it, round brush it, straighten it, and plead with it every morning to get it to look half decent. The only way that I've found to make this bearable is to read while I do it. It takes a little bit longer, but it's worth it. Every morning I take my blow dryer into the spare bedroom and that is where I read! (I would do it in our bathroom, but it wake's up Spenc.)

Where would I like to do most of my reading? On the beach. In one of those comfy looking beach chairs. While drinking one of those fruity drinks with the tiny umbrellas in them. That, however, only happens about once every five years or I'll have to stick to my spare bedroom.

P.S. I am still reading, so don't think I've turned into a lazy book-blogger. I'm reading Atlas Shrugged which is over 1100 pages long, so I think I deserve a break. I'm over 700 pages into it and I expect to post my review sometime next week.

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